Saturday, June 8, 2013

It is better to love someone you cannot have than to be with someone you cannot love.

Which is why I could no longer be married to Steve.

I just wish I wasn't in love with someone  who was in love with someone else. Supposedly.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


no progress on weight loss, but I have been writing like a total maniac. pun intended. I am entering this essay contest for real simple magazine, writing about your bravest moment or whatever, and you win $3000 if they pick your essay as the winner.
quote of the day: Keep growing quietly.

I'm not going to mention the people in my life that think I can't accomplish anything, or people that get mad at me over stupid shit, or people that think I'm never going to get out of my parents' house or make anything of myself. I'm just going to keep growing quietly. I will exceed all expectations.